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11. Purushotam [Dragondevil]  (2009-05-14 4:20 PM)
Gotenks and Buu then battle, however, the battle ends in a draw when Piccolo, in a moment of desperation, destroys the room's exit and Buu escapes into the regular world by tearing a hole in the time-space fabric. When Buu escapes the room, he turns most of the Z Fighters into sweets and eats them. Shortly thereafter, Gotenks, in his newly revealed Super Saiyan 3 transformation, and Piccolo escapes the Room of Spirit and Time and Gotenks once again fights Buu, now with a distinct advantage. However, before Gotenks can finish him off, he defuses. Shortly after, he is then faced by Son Gohan, who using his new hidden powers, is easily able to thrash Buu around, but using a false suicide attack Buu is able to escape Gohan.

10. Purushotam [Dragondevil]  (2009-05-14 4:19 PM)
After a quick battle with the superior Buu of Pure Wrath, Buu is turned into a piece of chocolate and devoured, and the two combine to create Super Buu. Super Buu then tracks down Piccolo. While Gotenks is training, Piccolo tries to buy him more time by stalling Buu. He tells Buu that there are plenty of humans left on Earth to kill, knowing they can all be revived with the Dragon Balls. Impatient to fight Gotenks, Buu fires a large-scale genocide attack wiping out the remaining human population on Earth with the exception of the Z Fighters, Hercule, and Bee. Piccolo then leads Buu to the Room of Spirit and Time.

9. Purushotam [Dragondevil]  (2009-05-14 4:18 PM)
Buu's first true battle is against Vegeta, who blows himself up in order to destroy Buu, but fails. He is then challenged by Son Goku who uses his full power to dominate much of the fight. However, Goku retreats from the battle after telling Buu of an even stronger fighter that will soon challenge him. Later on, Buu kills Babidi, and befriends a human named Hercule, and a puppy which he finds and heals after he'd decided to go on a killing rampage. After realizing that the puppy liked him, Buu names the puppy Bee. Despite Buu's sudden change of heart, two gunmen destroy his house and attempt to kill Bee and Hercule. Due to his rage at the gunman, Buu's anger manifests itself in the form of another Buu ("The Buu of Pure Wrath") or "Evil Buu".

8. Purushotam [Dragondevil]  (2009-05-14 4:17 PM)
When he emerges from his egg for his first appearance, Buu is pink, fat, and round, and his personality is naive and innocent. When Buu's released, his first victim is Babidi's right-hand man, Dabura, who he turns into a cookie and devours.

7. Purushotam [Dragondevil]  (2009-05-14 4:14 PM)
Here he is presented as an innocent looking pudgy pink genie-like creature. Later in the series, it is revealed that Buu's original appearance is that of a sleek, demonic-like child ("The Buu of Pure Evil"), however his nature and form had been altered after he'd assimilated the gentle, pudgy god (Dai kaioshin) into his body. Buu's creator, a wizard named Bibidi, had used Buu to wage war on the Kaioshin. Buu managed to kill two of the five Kaioshin and absorb two others, the second being the one who altered his nature to become innocent. After Bibidi sealed Buu away, Bibidi was killed by the only remaining Kaioshin, and Buu was transported to planet Earth where it lay dormant for five million years until Buu is revived by Bibidi's son Babidi.[3] Uub is the pure good, reincarnated version of Kid Buu.[4]

6. Purushotam [Dragondevil]  (2009-05-14 4:12 PM)

Like many Dragon Ball characters, Buu's name is part of a joke. When placed with his creator Bibidi and his son Babidi, the names phonetically form the phrase, "Bibidi Babidi Buu" — a parody of the song "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" — featured in Disney's Cinderella.

5. Purushotam [Dragondevil]  (2009-05-14 9:34 AM)
Here it is the embed code of the test i was talking about.if u didnt like it,shoot it.
In the next message please.

4. Purushotam [Dragondevil]  (2009-05-14 5:05 AM)
The code i had added was for a poll.just try it once if u did not like remove it. wink
Answer: thanks Dragondevil, I just posted your looks good.


3. stefano ricci [spongebob]  (2009-05-01 8:23 AM)
0 Tonino è sempre Tonino wacko

2. Andrea Croce [stelmar]  (2009-05-01 1:13 AM)
Piano con le birre, Ste' !!! Cmq il grande capo Antonio Venditti ha fatto proprio un bel lavoro ! Majinbù e Magazù parenti...

tongue batman ok

1. stefano ricci [spongebob]  (2009-04-11 10:27 AM)
0 did a great job man! booze

1-15 16-26

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